Mathematics Today in Egypt



At the fourth Pan African Conference, Professor Attia Ashour of Egypt was honored for his pioneering role in the development of Mathematics in Africa. Ali Mostafa Mosharafa was probably the first (1923) person from the African continent to earn a Ph.D. in Mathematics.


  1. Ali Mostafa MOSHARAFA (11.07.1898-16.01.1950) (Male)
    1923 (Ph.D.) The Quantum Theory of Stark and Zeeman Effects, University of London (London, U.K); Advisor: Owen W. Richardson.
    1924 (D.Sc.) University of London (London, U.K.).
  2. Caleb GATTEGNO (1911-1988) (Male)
    1937 (Ph.D.) Les cas essentiellement géodésiques des équations de Hamilton-Jacobi intégrables par séparation des variable [The essentially geodesic cases of Hamilton-Jacobi equations integrable by the separation of variables], Basle University (Basle, Switzerland).
  3. Elsayed Mohamed AHMED (b. December 27,1954)
    1986 Ph.D Applied Math., University of London U.K.
  4. MAD Samir H. Saker (male)
    2002 Ph. D. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland; Oscillation Theory of Delay Differential and Difference Equations and Some of Their Applications; advisor

Ph.D. year, thesis, or advsior unknown:



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