Thomas Bouetou

Born: Cameroun

place: Bouetou, Thomas

1986-1987 Language study State university of
Kiev Ukraine 1987-1992 Moscow University

Ph.D Moscow University, 1996
thesis: On the Geometry of 3-Dimensional Bol Algebras with Solvable Enveloping Lie Algebras of Small Dimension; advisors: Lev Vacilevich Sabinin and Pavel Olegovich Mikheev.

: Senior Lecturer University of Yaounde I

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  1. Bouetou Bouetou T., Classifation of solvables Lie triples systems of dimension 3./I XXVII annual conference of the physico-mathematical faculty of R.F.U.N.
    18-25 may 1992./M.: R.F.U.N. edition 1992 p. 22(Russian)
  2. Bouetou Bouetou T., Classifation of solvables Lie triples systems of
    dimension 3 in alli/preprint in VINITI 17.12.1993 N° 3101B.93 10p (Russian).
  3. Bouetou Bouetou T Bol algebras with trivial trilinear operation.// XXVIII annual conference of the physico-mathematical faculty of R.F.U.N.17-31 may 1993./M.:
    R.F.U.N. edition 1993 p. 38 (Russian).
  4. Bouetou Bouetou T Bol algebras with trivial trilinear operation in ail preprint in VINITI 17.12.1993 N° 3100B.93 10p (Russian).
  5. Bouetou Bouetou T., Mikheev O.P., On istopiy of Bol algebras./ journal of Webs and Quasigroup. - Tver: Tver St. Uni. 1994. P. 47-49.
  6. Bouetou Bouetou T., About one class of Bol algebras./ XXX annual conference of the physico-mathematical faculty of R.F.U.N. 20-25 may 1994./M.: R.F.U.N. edition 1994 p. 34(Russian).
  7. Bouetou Bouetou T Bol algebras with special trilinear operation.// preprint in VINITI 30.06.1995 N° 2939B.95 10p (Russian).
  8. Bouetou Bouetou T., On the calculus of 3-Webs for Bol algebras with trivial trilinear operation.// XXXI annual conference of the physico-mathematical faculty of R.F.U.N. 19-27 may 1994./M.: R.F.U.N. edition 1993 p. 73 (Russian).
  9. Bouetou Bouetou T.; Some Bol algebras.// XXXI annual conference of the physicomathematical faculty of R.P.U.N. 19-27 may 1994./M.: R.F.U.N. edition 1993 p. 74 (Russian).
  10. Bouetou Bouetou T., On Bol algebras./ journal of Webs and Quasigroup. - Tver: Tver St. Uni. 1995. P. 75-83. il - Bouetou Bouetou T., Mikheev O.P. Some example of Bol algebrasi journal ~f Webs and Quasigroup. - Tver: Tver St. Uni. 1995. P. 84.
  11. Bouetou Bouetou T., The representation of Bol algebras prepring //in VINITI 15.12.1997 N° 1939.B.97 10p (Russian).
  12. Bouetou Bouetou T., About Bol Algebras.//Abstract of Communication
    in 1CM Berlin 1998 p.102
  13. Bouetou Bouetou T. About Levi-Malcev Theorem for Bol Algebras/ Proceeding of Loop'99 conference Prague (to appear)


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