visitors since 5/25/97

For sometime I have been struck of the emphasis, within the american culture, upon achievements in the Sports/Entertainment Industry as indications of success. In the african american subculture, the indications are even stronger - just consider the winners of the Image Awards among others awards. The rare occasion a scientist has won an award, there has been a limitation to the medical field. In addition, where it concerns successes in mathematics and the sciences, I discovered much incorrect or misconstrued information available in texts and especially on the web.

The impetus for creating this web site was a desire to suggest modern mathematicans and scientists as images of success to present to the african american community. It is my personal view that thinking precisely is more important than looking good.

My qualifications include 8 years in the segregated Baltimore public schools (4 more as a guinea pig), 30 years as a research mathematician, regular reader of the Notices of the American Mathematics Society and The American Mathematical Monthly, co-founder (1969) of the first african american mathematicians group, NAM, and co-founder (1997) of the first african american research mathematicians group, CAARMS, a personal library of thousands of books by africans and african americans, and an interest in history.

Dr. Scott W. Williams
CONTACT Dr. Williams

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