Profiles* of
Mathematicians of the African Diaspora
in the Twentieth Century
At the beginning of this project, a reasonable estimate for the numbers of mathematicians* with"black" african heritage appeared to be 0.1% of the total number of mathematicians in the world. Below is a list, linked to profiles, of all 250+ of projected 300 mathematicians* we have located. Notice that if we restrict our attention to the United States, then the figure grows to ~1% (actually, 1.5% for new Ph.D.'s from 1995 thru 1997). It is clear that without Affirmative Action in the United States this list would be approximately one-third its size.
We should not ignore the contributions of those individuals whose careers in education are supported by a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education, a D.Ed. in Mathematics, or a Ph.D. in a non-mathematical subject, but whose career has been devoted/connected to mathematical education. For these the MAA SUMMA Archive of Minority Mathematicians, Dr. William Hawkins, is, though limited to the U.S., oriented to include Mathematics Education and all "Under-represented" minorities. 12/21/98
If you have additions or corrections please write Dr. Scott Williams at Mathematics Department, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo NY 14214 U.S.A. or email Dr. Scott Williams
Also see A Modern History of Blacks in Mathematics, see Research Mathematicians of the African Diaspora, and see Mathematics of the Ancients.
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*256 mathematicians. Criteria: A Ph.D. in Mathematics, or a career in original mathematics research.
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Professor of Mathematics