UPDATE: Beginning July
1, 2018 I will be Dean of the College of Sciences and Arts at Michigan
Tech. My new email will be djhemmer@mtu.edu or davidjhemmer@gmail.com
Professor David Hemmer
I am Professor of Mathematics and, since 2012, have been chairman of the
mathematics department at the
University at Buffalo,
Prior to that I was Director of Undergraduate Studies for four years.
Research Office: | Mathematics Building 211 |
Chair's Office: | Mathematics Building 226 |
Office Phone: | 716-645-8775 |
Mailing Address: | 244 Mathematics Building Buffalo, NY 14260 |
Email: | davidjhemmer@gmail.com |
CV (September 2017)
Fall 2017 Office Hours: Monday 10-11, Wednesday 2-3 or by appointment
Fall 2017
Math 464/564 Combinatorics and Representation Theory
Spring 2017
Not Teaching
Fall 2016:
Math 141- College Calculus I
Math 353- Introduction to Combinatorics
Spring 2016: Not teaching
Fall 2015:
Math 241- Multivariable Calculus
Math 461/561 Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory
My Research:
Here is
research statement
designed for those in my field.
Here is a research statement designed
to be accessible to undergraduate math majors.
Grant Support:
Science Foundation Grant #DMS 1551069 EDT:
Experiential Diversity in Graduate Education. Co-PI, $594,292.
National Science
Foundation Grant # DMS 1068783: Connections
between cohomology and
representation theory of symmetric groups, braid groups, Hecke algebras, and algebraic
groups. Sole PI. $188,497.
2012-2014 National Security Agency Grant
#H98230-12-0924 (Declined): Connections
between cohomology and representation theory of symmetric
groups, braid groups, Hecke algebras,
and algebraic groups. Sole PI, $67,516.
2010-2012 National Security Agency Grant #H98230-10-0192: Cohomology and representation
theory for symmetric and algebraic groups, Sole PI, $58,395.
National Science
Foundation Grant # DMS 0556260: Cohomology and representation theory,
Sole PI, $95,427.
Security Agency Grant # H98230-05-1-0023: Modular
representation theory and cohomology of the symmetric group and related objects,
Sole PI, $30,000.
National Science
Foundation Grant # DMS0102019:
Modular representation theory of the
symmetric group, Postdoctoral Fellowship, $90,000.
Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, $90,000.
- "The Ext1 quiver for completely splittable
representations of the symmetric group," Journal of Group
Theory, (4) (2001) #4, p. 401-416. pdf dvi ps
- "Support varieties for modules over symmetric groups," (With Dan
Nakano) Journal of Algebra, (254) (2002), p. 422-440. pdf
- "Specht filtrations for Hecke algebras of type A," (With Dan
Nakano), J. London Math Society (2) (69) (2004), p. 623-638. pdf
- "Fixed-point functors for symmetric groups and Schur
algebras," J. Algebra (280) (2004), p.
295-312. pdf
- "A row removal theorem for the Ext^1 quiver of symmetric groups
and Schur algebras," Proc. American Mathematical Society, ( 133) (2005), p.403-414.
dvi pdf
- "Representation Type of Schur Superalgebras," (With Kujawa and
Nakano), J. Group Theory, (9) (2006) #3, p. 283-306. pdf ps
- "Irreducible Specht modules are signed Young modules," J. Algebra (305) (2006) , p.433-441 pdf
- "Cohomology of Specht modules," (with Nakano) J. Algebra (306)
(2006), p. 191-200.
- "Symmetric Group Modules with Specht and Dual Specht
Filtrations," Communications in
Algebra, 35:11, (2007)
3292 - 3306 pdf
- "Cohomology and generic cohomology of Specht modules for the
group," J. Algebra (322) (2009), 1498-1515. pdf
- "The complexity of certain Specht modules for the symmetric
group," Journal of
Algebraic Combinatorics, (30) (2009), 421-427. pdf
- "The group of endotrivial modules for the symmetric and
alternating groups," (With Jon Carlson and Nadia Mazza), Proc. Edin. Math. Soc. (2010) 53, 83–95 . pdf
- "On the cohomology of Young modules for the symmetric group,"
Fred Cohen and Dan Nakano), Advances in Mathematics (224) (2010), 1419-1461.
- "Stable decompositions for some symmetric group characters
arising in braid group cohomology," Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A,
(118) (2011)
1136-1139. pdf
- "A combinatorial approach to Specht module cohomology," Algebra Colloq. (19) (2012) 777-786. pdf
- "Realizing large gaps in cohomology for symmetric group modules,"
Algebra and Number Theory
(6) 2012 825-832. pdf
- "Frobenius twists in the representation theory of the symmetric
group," Proceedings of
Symposia in Pure Mathematics,
(86) 2012 187-200. pdf
- "The Lie module and its complexity," (With Fred Cohen and Dan Nakano), Bulletin
of the London Math Society, (48)
2016, 109-114. pdf
- My doctoral disseration (6/01) dvi ps