Toka Diagana

Born: December 27, 1967; place: Kaedi, Mauritania

D.E.A (1995) Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
thesis: Some approaches of the Ergodic Theory and Application; advisor: Jean-Bernard. Baillon

Ph.D (1999) Universite Claude Bernard.
thesis: Sum of Linear Operators and Kato-McIntosh's Conjecture; advisor: Jean-Bernard. Baillon

: Howard University

personal or universal URL: ;


Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, and PDEs. At present, Toka Diagana is the editor-in-chief of the journal "Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics" whose url is:


In addition to the papers below Dr. Diagana has many papers in various stages from "submitted" to pre-print. Please check his website for recent work.

  1. Toka Diagana, Towards a Theory of Some Unbounded Linear Operators on p-adic
    Hilbert Spaces and Applications
    . Annales Mathematiques Blaise Pascal, Vol. 12 (2005),
    pp 205-222.
  2. Toka Diagana, Pseudo Almost Periodic Solutions to some Differential Equations. Nonlinear Analysis (TMA). Vol 60 (2005), no. 7,  pp 1277-1286.
  3. Toka Diagana, Existence of p-almost automorphic solutions to abstract differential equations. International Journal of Evolution Equations. Vol. 1 (2005), no. 1, pp 57--67
  4. Toka Diagana, S. Basu and F. Ramaroson, A p-adic Version of Hilbert-Schmidt Operators and Applications. J. of Anal. Appl. 2 (2004), no. 3: 173-188 .
  5. Toka Diagana, G. Nguerekata, and Nguyen Van Minh, Almost Automorphic Solutions of Evolution Equations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (2004) no. 11, pp. Toka Diagana, Some Remarks on Some Second-Order Hyperbolic Differential
    . Semigroup Forum. Vol. 68 (2004), No. 3, pp. 357-364.
  6. 3289-3298.
  7. Diagana, Toka and Gaston M. N'Guerekata Some Extensions of the
    Bohr-Neugebauer-N'Guerekata Theorem
    , Journal of Analysis and Applications, Vol. 2 (2004), No.1, pp 1-10.6.
  8. Diagana, Toka and Gaston M. N'Guerekata On some perturbations of some abstract differential equations. Comm. Math. 43, (2003): 200-206.
  9. Toka Diagana and Gaston M. N'Guerekata, Some Remarks on Almost Automorphic Solutions of some Abstract Differential Equations, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 8, No. 3 (2003): 313-322.
  10. Toka Diagana, A Note On the Coupling of Dirichlet and Neumann Operators. Libertas Mathematica, 23 (2003), 133-135.
  11. Diagana, Toka On the Algebraic Sum of Unbounded Normal Operators. Far East. J. Math. Sci., 11, (2003), 89--94.
  12. Toka Diagana, Algebraic Sum of Unbounded Normal Operators and the Square Root Problem of Kato. Rend. Sem. Math. Univ. Padova, 110 (2003), 31-39.
  13. Toka Diagana and Paul H. Bezandry, Fluctuation Theory for a Three-Dimensional Model of Maxwellian Molecules, J. Stat. Phys. Vol. 110, No. 3-6, p. 1375-1395.
  14. Toka Diagana. A Generalization Related to Schrödinger Operators. Int. J. Math-Math. Sci. 29, No. 10(2002), p. 609-611.
  15. Toka Diagana. Variational Sum and Kato's Conjecture. J. Conv Anal., Vol. 9(2002), No. 2, 1-4.
  16. Toka Diagana. An Application to Kato's Square Root Problem. Int. J. Math-Math. Sci. 29, No. 3(2002), p. 179-181.
  17. Toka Diagana. Schrödinger Operators with a Complex Singular Potential. Int. J. Math-Math. Sci. No. 6(2002), p. 371-373.
  18. Toka Diagana. Quelques remarques sur l'opérateur de Schrödinger a un potentiel complexe singulier particulier. Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. 9(2002).
  19. Toka Diagana. Sommes d'opérateurs et conjecture de Kato-McIntosh. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 330, serie I, (2000), p. 461-464.

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